Friday, May 4, 2012


I need to be busy.  Busy making things.  Otherwise,  I started thinking too much.  Almost 10 years ago, I saw a small drawing in my friend's apartment by James De La Vega.  It was a person holding his head upside down with his both hands (head and body are detached) and he is dumping all kinds of things from his head.  The wording of the art piece was "too much thoughts".  I love that piece of art.

This year has been very weird for me.  First, there was the possibility of right knee surgery ( maybe avoided by having physical therapy sessions); then there were flu/cold once a month with my child; then there was bike accident (bust my left knee); then I threw my back out two days ago.  Of course, among the physical problems,  I had a very bad confrontation with my friend because I was so drunk.

I seriously have no idea what happen to me this year.  Then I thought about whether I can still be friend with the girl whom I had confrontation with.  Even if she forgave me,  I don't know if I can forgive myself for behaving so badly.  It is so complicated when you grow up.  Now, I look at my child and his world is so pure and simple.  None of these nonsense.

Again, too much thoughts.  I decided to make an art.   Here you go.  A pouch with a mustache.

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