Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bike Ride

I really really want to ride a bike with Ev and I don't want to do it by myself.

Finally, the weather was nice and even thought Ev got up very late from his afternoon nap, I want to go.  It was 3:30 p.m. by the time Leo, Ev and I arrived at the bike store (Ev had to walk 7 blocks because I don't know where we can store a stroller when we are off riding the bikes).  I was very ambitious because I wanted to ride to Williamsburg, Brooklyn.  For god sake, I have never been to Williamsburg, Brooklyn ever, even by subway.  But I was so excited to find out all kinds of bike map on the websites.  The only problem is that I don't have printer and I need to figure out the bike map in my head.

That did not deter me from getting to the bike rental store.  I volunteered to ride with Ev, i.e. have baby seat mounted on my bike because I figured if I master doing this today,  I can ride with Ev whenever I want.  Now, everyone had their helmets on and we were ready to go.  So excited and the weather was so nice.

Three minutes into our journey,  I felt on the floor, bike down and luckily Leo was there to get Ev up.  Ev was more shock then anything even thought he was not injured.  Ev started was crying hysterically with tears rolling down.  I ripped my jeans on my left knee and my knee was swollen.  Three minutes!!!!!  Are you joking me??

I went back on the bike and started riding south on the FDR bike lane started from 71th St.  My knee was hurting me but I was determined.  The bike lane (or the walkway) ended at 59th St.  Not even 20 blocks since we started.  We were in Tudor City (by the way, very beautiful buildings all around) and we had to start biking with cars.   Oh, I forget to tell you that we have been riding on the sidewalk this whole time when we were not on the FDR bike lane.  With my hurting knee and baby,  I decided to peddle back to the bike lane on the FDR Drive.  Then we started riding north again.  By the time we hit 80 something street.  The bike lane ended with stairs,  LONG LONG STAIRS.  Are you joking me?  I saw people carrying their bike up the stairs.  This is insane.

I am not sure when Manhattan will ever become a bike friendly city.  I would love to see a bike lane that wrap around the island.  When is that gonna happen?

But I had a good experience because I did something different today.  Next time,  we are riding to Brooklyn :)

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