Monday, May 7, 2012


I am not sure what kind of spring we have but today was surely very windy and chilly.  Over the weekend, we were at the cabin and it was so quiet and peaceful.  We did not get to see the moon because the sky was so clouded and the mood supposed to be 15 times bigger than the regular size due to its proximity to the earth.  

Recently,  I try to feed Ev the food that I would like to eat instead of baby food.  Don't know if I can get away with no "kids meal" but I love the idea of French way after reading Bringing Up Bebe by Pamela Druckerman.  So I gave him the 17-bean soup for lunch and he ate them all (of course, I waited when he was hungry) , and I gave him rice/lentil/fried onion (Mujadarrah) and kale salad and he ate it and a lot of it.  I was so happy!!  Of course, I also gave him toys to play while he ate.  French mothers would not approve this :)

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