Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 1

I started my modified natural hygiene diet today because another studio potter lost 8 lb in 3 weeks by eating vegetable, fruit and nuts.  This also means that I can't eat any bread.  If you know me well, you would know that I LOVE bread, any shape or form.  Wherever I travel, the first thing for me is to look for a a good bakery.  I can eat a whole baguette with good butter and honey in less than 30 minutes.  I don't know what I have to say to convince you but I absolutely adore bread, the ultimate comfort food for me ( the more I write about bread, the more I want to eat them now).

For breakfast, I had a whole big bowl of fruit with melon, apple, grapes, strawberry ( only apple is tasty, the others are just not the right seasonal fruit, bland is what I would describe those fruits) and a cup of coffee with water  ( I am not supposed to have coffee but if I have to give up bread, then at least I get a cup of coffee, ok. I give up cream, so I used water instead).

By the time, I got to the studio (2 hours after I had the breakfast),  I was starving.  I had a small bag of nuts and dry fruit which was allowed under this diet.  And I made myself a cup of tea.  During the 3 hour class, I kept smelling this amazing baking coming from somewhere.  Two and half hours into the class, I had to leave the room because the scent is so intoxicating.

I had my lunch which had cabbage, seaweed, seitan, and pepper.  After the lunch,  I think I don't need to see the cabbage again for another 3 months.  Then I found out what that amazing smell coming from.  The studio is not far from the  Tom Cat Bakery.  Tom Cat Bakery makes this amazing baguette and I used to get it all the time near my apartment .  And because the weather was warm enough to open the studio door, so today was the first time I smelled this wonder scent.  Oh God,  I would like to have a loaf of baguette now.

At the end of the day,  I did not have any bread and I feel pretty bad.  Tomorrow morning, when I weight myself, I better lose some pounds :)

Oh, the guave in the picture is from my pottery mate who knows I love this great tropical fruit!!  What I day.

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