Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hello February!

Can't believe it's already February.  It seems to me that I felt off the new year resolution in keeping up my blogging.  Too many things to do and so little time.  But I got my plate out of the kiln at the pottery studio today and Ev is using it right now.  It looks so pretty with his little hands and grapes on it.

I met up with my new friend, Marieken Cochius, at her studio in Long Island City.   It is strange to have new friends when I am approaching my 40s.  I am so grateful to meet a new friend at this age.  Marieken has been an artist her whole life, she was a trained photographer, then she tried sculpture, drawing and now pottery.   She does all of these nowadays!  Marieken is amazing because she does not over analyze why she needs to be an artist, she is an artist because she needs to make art.  Of course, she does odd jobs where she makes the real money in the meantime (when she become famous, she will not need to do those odd jobs anymore).  I feel the same way of making art but afraid of saying to myself or others that I am an artist because I feel like my art or project is not good enough.  But from now on, I will continue making art and be proud of it.  By the way, Marieken has a full head of beautiful red hair and blue eyes, when she smile, she lights up the whole room.  Her studio is amazing with all kind of plants, bones, stones that she collects when she walks with her dog and when she travels.  Absolutely love it!!!

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