Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happiness Project

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin that I ordered from Amazon finally arrived this morning.  I was so excited and started reading it right away.  Totally feel my life is out of control even though I should be so grateful that I live in Manhattan (albeit UES, I wish to be in the LES, or maybe not, LES is too far away from the Central Park); have a beautiful child (and he is napping now, thank god); and I have a wonderful husband.

Few days ago,  I was hanging out with my friend who also has a baby girl.  We hit it off right away more than 1 year ago (you just know when you like someone, the same thing as how do you know your spouse is the one.  you just know) and she told me that she does not wear those expensive Italian name brand shoes anymore and instead she wears sneakers when pushing the stroller around.  This is sad. I don't want to look like mom (boring type).   So I immediately went to shoe stores and try on few pairs of  booties and I bought one.  I also saw myself in the mirror with the boots and they just do not look right with my glasses.  One step at the time.

Last night, I was determined to make a chicken dish.  I have trouble making chicken dishes because it always turn out dry if I make it non Chinese way (i.e. soy sauce stew).  Finally, I found this recipe from the cook book by the San Francisco Chronicle.  This is basically a SF version of Italian Hunter's style chicken.  It turns out so moist and tasty!!  I had a good dinner!

Now, I have to continue reading the Happiness Project.

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