Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Living in Manhattan requires a lot of stamina because you are constantly bother by your neighbors.  When we were at the west side, the building was concrete, our neighbors were never there and we both were working.  So I don't even know who my neighbors were.  Now, at the east side, a lot of 6-floor buildings on the east side (which means it is not concrete, all wood) are just not built well and I can't believe we pay this kind of money living in this kind of construction (I know it has nothing to do with the material of construction but the location we are paying for, but whatever).  And my neighbors are not working and I am a stay at home mum.  So, I also run into my neighbors all the time.

Last year,  I constantly texted my upstairs neighbor because her 3 and 8 year old children were just not able to stop running.  We got into a pretty ugly situation (a pickle, if you will).  This was when E was just crawling.  Then E started crawling fast and walking.  Holy Cow,  do all children run?  They don't know how to walk.  I felt pretty bad about being such an ass to the upstairs, but I also feel that it is too much to go upstairs and apologize for my insane behavior.

So, now, I never text my upstairs neighbor anymore.  But my downstairs neighbor started coming up and telling me that my child is running around too much.

Just shoot me.

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