Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012 - day 1

Day 1 of the new life!!

The apartment is cleaned up and I cooked for lunch (parts of).  All of us went to the playground nearby and kicked around a ball for more than 1 hour.  We also went to a cafe to have some hot chocolate and mocha.  It is so hard to find a good cafe that serves good coffee in upper east side.  Thank god that Cup of Joe is opening a coffee store near us soon.  I used to have to go all the way to the west side to have a good cup of coffee.  Forget about Stumptown, it is too far for me to go with a 1 year old child.

And, I did yoga at home, even just 10 sun salutations and few other poses.  My whole body was screaming at me to do some exercise.  Can I just say that having a child would change your life.  It is for the better but oh boy, it is not easy raising a child in this country.  I spent 2 hours this morning trying to figure out how to fit the pottery studio time with our part time nanny.   Sometimes,  I just have to pay a little more to get what I want (i.e. I need to pay more money to gain access to the studio outside of the regular hour so that I don't have to hire another nanny to watch E.  yes, I have a part time nanny and she has other jobs too).  In the end, it is just not possible to fit another yoga schedule in the week day.  So, I did the yoga at home.

I started reading The Happiness Project, book and blog.  Very inspirational.  I sometimes just need to read these type of inspirational books to remind myself not to lose sight of the important things in life.

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