Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year Resolution

2012 is coming and the best way to welcome it to have a new calendar (among cleaning up the fridge, and donating all the clothing that I did not get to wear this year).  I strolled E out at 24 degree weather yesterday because I really wanted to get a new calendar and E has not been out for 3 days.  E has been very sick from ear infection.  Basically, for the whole December, we have been trying to get rid of the jet lag, then we all got sick from the nasty cold and then he has ear infection.  I can't wait 2012 to come and we all have a very healthy year.

I don't want to be ambitious about  want to be strategic about time management.
I am going back to my pottery class;
I will blog at least once a week if I can't do it every day;
I want to will start my home business;
I will eat healthier and make healthier food my whole family.

That's what I can think of for now!
Also, I love reading the blog by Gina Rudan.  She is super inspirational.  I have yet to finish her book, Practical Genius.  It has been 2 months since I got the book and life has been very busy and unbalance.

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