Monday, December 12, 2011

White Radish Soup

During our trip back home this time,  I have been having this white radish soup with my old mother almost every day.  We had to utilize the 1 hour that E had his morning nap.  E has been very clinging while I was in Taiwan.  Mother and I usually ordered NT$300 (US $10) worth of food at this food vendor and had a feast.  My kind of feast.  This food stand only sells soup noodle, white radish soup and parts of pig (If you have to ask which parts,  you are not interested in this kind of food).  

It is Day 4 of coming back to the states, E got up at 12 a.m. and went back to sleep at 5 a.m. finally, after having 15 oz of warm milk.  I might be over doing it but if he can just go to sleep, I will give him whatever he wants to eat (sort of).  My husband, L, and I have been searching on the internet to see how to adjust the jet lag.  Everyone says different things.  Some says, just wait, it will happen, some said that you have wake up the baby at the local time.  You would not believe what people said that every baby is different until you have your own.  They don't come with instructions.  I will tell you that.  

Final note of the day, I have the best mother in the world.  I know that after I gave birth to E.  But every time I see her, I had this feeling even stronger.  Love you, ma!!

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