Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 3

We have been back to the states for 3 days now but made no improvement on adjusting the jet lag.  It is not me who refuse to adjust the time difference but my one and half year old toddler, E.

I know that it was not easy but I have no choice but visiting my parents once every 6 months.  Very inconveniently, my parents live 8,000 miles away from my upper east side apartment.  They live in Taiwan.

Taiwan is a great country because I was born there and lived there for 17 years.  Even thought, I have live in the states longer than 17 years, I still consider Taiwan my home.  Of course, the states is my home as well but it just does not feel the same.

I did not notice how strongly I feel about Taiwan until couple years ago when the first Taiwanese became the president in Taiwan.  Since then,  I want Taiwanese to be the president of Taiwan all the time.  I want the people who govern Taiwan are the people who cares about Taiwan.  During this trip home, I read the autobiography of Tsai Ing-wen, the candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party.  And I developed the strong dislike towards people who favor KMT (I am talking about my in laws) .  In any event, you get the gist how much I love Taiwan.

Back to the jet lag issue.  I am simply too old to deal with this adjustment with a toddler.  Because after 2 and half weeks when I was in Taiwan, at the last day, my child finally got up at 6:30 a.m. instead of 2 a.m. .  The last day,  are you kidding me?  I could not even adjust to Taiwanese time zone because what is the point, my child is going to get up at 2 a.m. anyway and I am not going to tell him to just chill and wait for me to get up at normal hour.

Besides the part that a 1.5 years old boy do not just sit there and read, he actually wants to explore.  And my parents's apartment is like the grocery store that has inventory for over 40 years.  I am just not joking, I can barely take a decent picture without laughing so hard because this is really insanity.  And, I thought about how my mother side of the family all have the same problem, they like to collect things (aka junk included).  Is this in the gene?  You have no idea how much money my mother would get at the recycle center once she brings all the junks in the apartment over.  My parents' 3,000 sq. ft. apartment actually feels like 1/3 of its real size.  But, this place is heaven for my child.  There are so many things to play.  Holly Cow! he must have moved every box, cups, bags, even chairs all over the apartment.  For 2 and half weeks, that's all he did in the apartment and he was having a ball.  That was one of the reasons I could not let E wondering around by himself when I attempted to sleep.  Because he also wanted attention from his mother.  He did not just gently wake me up,  he tapped my face.  Hard!!  He did not even care it was my face or my eye balls.  E is really strong, even though he is only 1 and half years old.

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