Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4:34 A.M.

I looked at the baby monitor and heard the tiny sound.  "up and down down down dada mama down down" and singing a little bit and more talking.  I wanted to tape the sound but could not figure out how to do it, then decided that this sound will remain in my head for the rest of my life.  It is this tiny tiny moment in my life that I feel very lucky to have the life that I have.  

I have been up since 1 a.m. and was very happy doing my own things, the things that I could not do when Ev is awake.  Such as watching the last episode of Mad Men season 5 (love the show); going thru my closet and putting the "to donate" pile aside; reading a magazine that I got from a small store in Taiwan, Pinmo ( love the store and its products and being very proud of being a Taiwanese for there are many creative people live in that small island).

It has been 3 days since we came back from Taiwan and I know that we have one more week to adjust the jet lag.  On top of that, we also need to figure out how to put Ev back to his crib to sleep by himself.   Ev was sleeping on the same bed with me when we were in Taiwan and those 3 weeks have ruined his sleeping habit temporarily, i.e.  he refused to go back to his crib.  I am less hysterical about this kind of thing nowadays, maybe I have been a mother for 2 years now and I know that all of these craziness will go away eventually.

Yesterday, Ev had a wellness checkup for 2 years old.  The next one is when he turns 3.  This is unbelievably because the checkup used to be once a week, then once a month then once every 3 months and half year and now once a  year.  He is growing up now!  At the end of the checkup, the pediatrician asked me if I have any questions,  and it was the first time that I said no.  I used to ask all kind of questions, like his appetites, his behavior, then now, I realize that every child is different and there is nothing to worry too much about.

Oh no, Ev is crying now. I have to go check on him now.  My day starts now.  It is 4:49 A.M.

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