Monday, June 4, 2012

Ice Cream Bowls in production

I have been making many of these ice cream bowls in the past week because I considered summer has arrived here ( not officially, but the weather in the past week has been so hot and I have been eating so much of the ice cream).  Those bowls will be in the kiln soon and I will glaze them after I come back from Taiwan in July.

Making pottery and raising a child have taught me patience.  According to Random House Dictionary, patience is the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune or pain without complain, loss of temper, irritation, or the like.  I had very little of that in the past and I am still working on it.  If you see my pottery teacher's amazing works, Douglas Breitbart, you would know that he has mastered this virtue.

By the way, I love my dictionary, it is huge and I love it.  I love flipping thru the book and the smell of the paper makes me so happy. This week in NYC is going to be wet, rain and more rain.  Once we landed in Taiwan, it will be sunny and 85 degree or higher for the rest of the summer!

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