Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Over the Easter long weekend, we went up to the cabin and decided that we needed to repaint the floor.  After all, it has been 9 years since we have this place.  While we were discussing this, it seemed to be a good idea to repaint the wall as well because terra cotta color wall is just not working out for me anymore.

The person who was most excited about this was Ev because it sounded like a fun thing to do, just using a big roller and roll all over the wall.  That only lasted about 10 minutes, then he was off to play his own toy.  He went outside and found some leafs and traced that on papers which was the thing that he learned at school, while we painting the basement wall.  Of course, we ran out of paint half way thru and had to drive into town to get more paint.  Hey,  this is the country, and it is a whole day event to get into town and get the stuffs.  We are not in Manhattan anymore.  We took our time painting, talking and also grilled meats in the meantime, had wine and relaxed more.  That was our weekend and it was great.

I have learned to slow down a bit and just enjoy the parts (talking and eating) and knowing that there are choirs need to be done (painting), but we were doing it together as a family.

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