Monday, August 13, 2012


We, I mean Leo and I, have determined that we don't know what we are doing with our child.  Last Wednesday night, Ev started having small rash on his legs before he went to bed.  Through out the night, it became so bad that he woke up every hour and we found out his whole body was swollen.  We went to the pediatrician on Thursday.  Thursday night, he did not sleep at all and his whole face including his body look like he has gained 10 lbs. and he would not stop scratching himself.  Friday, we went to another pediatrician because ours was not available.  More medication and no sleep.

I am not sure what happened, but ever since we came back from Taiwan in the beginning of July, we have been trying to adjust the jet lag, sleep arrangement (Ev slept with me while we were in Taiwan), then we got sick, then we got more sick.  So overall, after 6 weeks, Leo has been going to Ev's room at 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. or sometimes 4 a.m. and slept on his floor.

We read all kinds of sleep training books (Ferber style or no cry style), consulted with our pediatrician, friends with children, therapist,  and none of it worked.  So we decided to let Ev sleep in our room.  We laughed at other parents who did this with their children before we had our own.  We thought we are better than others.  No, we are not and the worst of all, Ev did not want to sleep in our room.  He wants us to sleep in his room.  What the hell?  By the way, Ferber style is to let your children cry until he knows who the boss is.  That method did not work because we live in an apartment building that we actually have neighbors.  For one second, we actually considered moving to a house (outside of Manhattan) so that we can sleep training our child.

For those of you who do not have children, please don't be afraid of having one ( or more, bravo for those who have more than one, you either have help, money or love children or just insane).  Children are wonderful but a lot of time, they are really pain in my butt.

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